My name is María Ojeda, and I want to tell you about myself.
I am a sensitive, cheerful, and humble woman who loves to communicate and share all the tools and information that have been useful in my processes of transformation and self-healing.
I was born in Colombia and worked as a Bacteriologist until I left Colombia.
Having lived in various countries has given me the wonderful opportunity to experience different cultures, travel, and open my mind to diverse experiences.
I dedicated myself to studying various techniques that view humans as integral beings, to complement all that I have experienced in my body, mind, and spirit in order to serve others with purpose.
Today, as a Vibrational Biosanadora and facilitator of consciousness and holistic practices, I support others’ transformation processes through private and group sessions. I also participate as a speaker and develop events to expand self-awareness through my personal brand “AmaneSér,” reconnecting with the Self.
I am proudly an ambassador of @worldhappinesfest and #porunmundolibredeetiquetas, causes that contribute to unity, awareness, peace, and happiness in the world.