Alejandra Pulido, a renowned name in Venezuelan television and theater, has returned better than ever. Known for her starring roles in over 10 television programs such as “Todo por Venezuela” and “Mujeres en todo,” hundreds of international commercials, and her notable participation in the Miss Venezuela 2002 pageant, Alejandra’s career has been marked by her versatility and dedication.
After moving to the United States in 2019, Alejandra quickly adapted, landing roles in commercials and infomercials, a television program for America TV, and recently as a guest star in “Juego de Mentiras” and “Vuelve a mi” on Telemundo.
Now, she is bringing her talent to the radio waves with her own show on Gentv Radio, “Un Café con Alejandra Pulido.”
Alejandra’s extensive experience, charismatic personality, and professional excellence make her a standout talent. Her show on Gentv Radio promises to captivate and inspire the audience, offering insightful conversations, entertaining segments, and a unique perspective that only Alejandra can provide. Partnering with Alejandra means aligning your brand with a dynamic and influential figure in the entertainment industry, ensuring your message reaches a broad and dedicated audience. Don’t miss the chance to collaborate with this extraordinary talent